Fiance: To start, I will have to have a budget for the short film, the budget will consist of money that will go towards: Camera equipment, this will include the type of camera that will be used for the production, other costs will involve a tripod, the editing time which will be done in an editing sweet and also transport, by going from each location using public transport, however, as we are at college, we do not have to spend any money on equipment needed as it is provided for us, this is also the same with the editing time, as there is an editing room. Public transport costs may be needed, as I will have to travel to the location where a scene is set. The budget will include the cost of any location, I will also include the cost of lunch and the transport costs, however on buses, we travel free, but not for trains. There will have to be a lunch budget provided among the finance. There will be other sources of finance, this is where I will need help from sources of funding, from places such as Kick starter, this is because Kick starter will help fund upcoming film makers and provide them with financial support.
Time: I will have to book out time in the editing suets so that once the production is filmed, post production can begin as soon as possible. Time is extremely important during this production, there are timing schedules for each production stage, this includes pre production production and post production, this is because deadlines must be meet, there are severe actions if deadlines are not met in the media industry, if a deadline is missed, it can mean that it will slow down the production of the film eventually being made, you will also have to pay for insurance if the film is not made in time. However, as we are at college, there will be different rules that apply, for instance, if a deadline is not meet, it will be marked as not complete.
Crew and Personnel: One of the roles will be the Director, this role will consist of many things, for example, the director will be in charge of finding the talent, such as the actors for the film, they will need to have a patient personality, this is so they will be able to change something or make a different decision when out on a film shoot. There will be a Producer for the short film, this is because someone must be in charge of getting phone calls sorted, such as contacting the council. The cameraman will also be a crew role, they will be in charge of filming all of the shots, with a one minute shirt film, a cameraman will be looking yo shoot around about 25 shots. The cameraman is responsible for the storyboard. The editor will be a crew roles also, the editing will be done post production when the filming is done, meaning that they will have to create bins to put all of the good and bad shots in to, all on each scene. Someone will be in charge of lighting, this is important so there is the correct amount of light in a scene, whether it be key lighting, feel lighting or edge lighting.
Materials: There are certain materials that we will have to include for the short film, such as a soundtrack that suits the genre, which is horror, music that will match with the correct conventions. The music will have to be copyrighted however, this means that we will have to ask fro permission from the owner of the soundtrack, having to pay to you use it, once this has been completed, the soundtrack / music will be free to use for that person whenever they like. Usually you would have to phone or contact them before hand and pay in advance, so there are no problems down the line, a copyright infringement will not be done.
Contributors: There will have to be talent, this involves finding actors for the film and other cast members such as extras, you can find talent on agency websites, or magazines, this is the job of the Director, they are responsible for finding the cast. The actor or actress will be credited at the end of the film, the talent will be the person that will gain the most money from the film. Any actor or actress in this film must sign a release form, this is extremely important, they know that the film will be publicly distributed on Youtube.
Locations: There will be three locations used for this film, the first will be woods, the woods will be used because they link well with the genre of the film, which is a horror, as the woods are dark, mysterious and desolate, they will fit in perfectly for the horror genre, matching the correct conventions. The woods will be used for the opening scene, this is where character will be burying the body in to the hole in the ground. Recces will be used to scout the location before hand, this will be done by taking pictures of the location to bring back to the Director. The Producer of the film will have to email or call the council for permission to use the woods to film. The second location is the street, yet again recces will be sent for pictures and the Producer must ask for permission to film on a public street. An ally way will be used for the final location, it will be used because i matches with the correct conventions of a horror film, this is because an ally way is empty and gives a claustrophobic atmosphere to the audience members. Permission will again have to be granted and a recce will be sent to look over the perfect ally way locations.
Codes of Practice: The BBFC (The British Board Of Film Classification) moderate films, they are a non profit organisation who certificate films that are shown in the UK, they certify film from u, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18 and R18. For my short film, the BBFC must regulate it, this is so it will be allowed to be released in to cinemas but as it is going to be shown on Youtube, the BBFC can't regulate it, this is because Youtube is not just from the UK, it is international. I will need clearance to use any soundtrack for the film to prevent any copyright issues. For any permission that will be needed will be the job of the Producer, they will have to contact the council and get permission and clearance to film in a specific area. Forms must be filled out showing the risks and potential hazards of each location, this is called a risk assessment form.
Conclusion: In conclusion, there will be priorities before we film, this includes, the finished storyboard using the rule of third, which will be done by the camera operator, the camera operator also does the shot list. The script must be completed and lined, by the Director and clearances and continuing the council must be done by the Producer, without these necessities, the production will not work.
Bibliography - ie=UTF8&n=14335821&k=Fake+blood