Wednesday 25 January 2017

Timeline - Film 4

Timeline - Film 4:

Ident - 2006 - These idents by film 4 were created and shown in 2006, they are there to portray the genre of film that could be coming on next, as there is a car chase here between a police car and another car, it portrays that the film coming up next could be an action or adventure movie with car chases, to suit the genre of film coming up next, appealing to the audience more.

Ident - Christmas: 2013 - Film 4 brought out a suite of idents at christmas, this was to advertise the season and how film 4 will show christmas movies. Showing a collection of idents that suit the season appealing to the audience and possibly a larger audience, showing the genre of christmas in their films at that time.

Film 4 re-brand:

This rebrand of the film 4 idents uses space and time again like many other idents showing the logo in the middle of the screen showing it off as the main figurehead of the ident, the typography shows the Film in the centre of the screen inclosed by the 4 itself, making it unique and different to others before, attracting the audiences, the ident here shows that it is entertainment led as it shows moments in different places and showing different people, which could also indicate each scene is a like a different film genre. This means that film 4 have created a suite of ident, which is a collection of idents, to appeal to all the audience and broaden out to a larger audience, by creating an individual ident for a different specific genre. The film 4 logo shows of the identity of the channel, with the colour and typography style that is used, it is then recognised as Film 4 by audiences. By creating a quite of idents for this channel, it gives an interaction with the audience, making them get drawn in and more interested in the channel and what is shows.

Design and Purposes of Idents:

Design and Purposes of Idents:

Ident 1: Channel 5:

Big Brother is a popular show with a huge audience, Channel 5 bought the rights from Channel 4 where Big Brother used to be shown. The ident below is purely focussing on the show they will be broadcasting which is Big Brother, they are doing this because they want make sure the audience are aware of the time it starts, meaning that this ident is information led, as it is informing the audience of when the show will be airing, 'next Tuesday' and who will be presenting it and others who will be involved, mentioning names of presenters. This informs the audience all of the information they need to know, increasing the chances of them watching the show, the ident broadcasts the show in a bigger way to attract more audience members and appeal to a possible new audience who have not seen the show yet. The purpose of the ident, is to be the ticking time bomb ticking and counting down to when the show will start, however, when the bomb goes of, the channel 5 logo appears, big and bold in the middle of the screen and also in gold. The ident uses space and time well by showing the logo in the middle taking up the whole middle of the screen, they have done this to capture the audiences attention as the 5 is big and bold, and gold, the 5 sticks out against the background well, so the audience know what they are watching and if they didn't already, they know that channel 5 now owns the right to big Brother. The channel 5 ident has an interaction with the viewers as they are targeting the audience to be gripped by the ident, so they have a fast screen tempo to keep the audience entertained throughout, it has an interaction with the viewers because of the voiceover that is also occurring throughout, as the man speaking is giving the opportunity for the audience to listen and feel welcomed and informed by the ident.
Ident 2: BBC 1:

BBC idents are known to be more informative than entertainment led, this BBC one ident began in 2009 and is still a very popular ident by the BBC. They have used the hippos within it to portray the certain and specific style and genre to the programme that is about to be shown on TV next, for instance, this ident shows hippos swimming so they will be showing that the programme that is next or coming up later will be a nature programme, so they will make idents based on the genre of programme to appeal to al of the target audience, as the BBC use circles as part of their idents to indicate the globe and the world, saying everyone is welcome, like in this hippo ident, with the hippos swimming in the circle, indicating that the BBC cater for all, in this particular ident, they are purposely interacting with viewers by suggesting that the show on next could be appealing to nature lovers.

Ident 3: Channel 4:

With Channel 4 launching new idents, they wanted to appeal to a bigger target audience, trying to appeal to almost all. In this ident, it is set in Tokyo, so for one thing, they may be trying to say that Channel 4 is not just national, it is international also, appealing to all around the world, making all welcome, hense why is is set in Tokyo. As the ident moves forward, the city and signs begin to shape a big 4, using space and time by gradually building up to the 4 on screen, also the space is used very well because it is in the centre, but taking up more than just the middle of the screen, however, there is not a voiceover used in this ident and it is 44 seconds long, meaning that the audience must pay attention during the ident or they will miss the 4 on screen, because it is at obvious by just looking at the end. This could be a problem as some audience members will turn over and may lose interest, this is why they used Tokyo also, because of its bright colours on the streets and the way it light the screen allows it to emphasis the 4 more, attracting the audiences this way. As the streets are filled with people in this ident, it portrays that Channel 4 uses people to show lifestyle programming, which will appeal to many more audience members. As it is set in a different unexpected location, you could also say that the channel are trying to say that they cater for niche interests, saying that some of their shows are niche and appeal to people with a certain taste in genre and style of programme. By using the four in the way they did, it allowed the audience to understand the type of identity of the channel, showing and portraying that they are appealing to this audience.

Ident 4: Sky movies - Star Wars:

This ident is made to increase the size and audience share of sky itself, by creating the channel sky movies, through this they advertise whatever franchise of film they wish to show next, in the passed they have used sky movies gangsters and Superhero's, for this ident, they have used Sky Movies Star Wars collection, they have done this because they know that Star Wars is a massively successful franchise of movies with a greater target audience than many other franchises, meaning that by making and ident for Star Wars, they are attracting an even bigger audience and wider audience share, meaning that sky is more marketing lead, showing they are entertainment led rather than information led, as they are there to only entrain the audience with an exciting ident for a franchise many love, also by showing some of the most exciting parts of the films in the ident, however, there is a small element of information led here in this ident, as they are showing the Sky Cinema logo with Star Wars next to it, informing the audience that it will be shown on this channel. The logo is bang in the middle of the screen, so it is there for all to see, emphasizing the Sky Cinema more than Star Wars, this is because this is the brand. the colours they choose stand out against the black space background so it is clear for all to see. Throughout the ident, the logo was slowly building around the footage on screen and didn't appear until the end. The ident is fast, showing that is has a quick screen tempo, this entertains the audience throughout the ident, making it like a small trailer for audiences to be gripped by, the screen tempo is fast so the audience will cary on watching it as they know that audiences have a smaller attention span and will most likely switch over in seconds if they are bored with it.

Ident 5: Film 4:

This rebrand of the film 4 idents uses space and time again like many other idents showing the logo in the middle of the screen showing it off as the main figurehead of the ident, the typography shows the Film in the centre of the screen inclosed by the 4 itself, making it unique and different to others before, attracting the audiences, the ident here shows that it is entertainment led as it shows moments in different places and showing different people, which could also indicate each scene is a like a different film genre. This means that film 4 have created a suite of ident, which is a collection of idents, to appeal to all the audience and broaden out to a larger audience, by creating an individual ident for a different specific genre. The film 4 logo shows of the identity of the channel, with the colour and typography style that is used, it is then recognised as Film 4 by audiences. By creating a quite of idents for this channel, it gives an interaction with the audience, making them get drawn in and more interested in the channel and what is shows. They rebranded the channel to gain a wider audience, but also to encourage brand loyalty among their audience, so they will keep the same audience as through the new rebranded idents, will move along with the audience that have got older along with film 4, so they will keep along side their usual audience, but also however broaden in to a new audience.

Monday 9 January 2017

Task 1

Brand Loyalty: This is when the audience will carry on watching the channel through all of their shows, this is because they are loyal to the channel, when the audience will keep on watching consistently regardless of any price.

To Market: This is for competition  between rivals for marketing, but mostly time slots, such as BBC and ITV.

Re-Branding: Over time audience will grow so the channel will grow their audience and adapt to them and their needs, such as ITV 4, they did it because their content needed hanging and adapting for their audience.

Providing Information - Giving information about the channel, the indent giving content to what the overall channel gives off.

Channel Identity - What the channel is, how it is recognized and known for to the audience and it's overall brand, how it is interpreted by the audience.

Segmentation - Breaks between channels to show the adverts for other programmes that the channel does.

Task 3

Cornell Notes

Task 2

Task 2:

Ident: CBBC

This individual ident was made for the channel CBBC, CBBC is a channel that focuses mainly on children and young teenagers. We can tell that it not only focuses on children alone because they talk about news and sports, even though the news and sports are limited and done with a relaxed tone that is specifically targeted at children and younger teenagers.
This ident shows off and gives small teases for it's shows that they will play. This is because but of the animations that are used are through the advertisements of their own shows. They use the music purposely because it attracts and draws in the audience, they know that children will watch it, they also know that parents may see it and watch it with their children. Some of the animation has a slapstick feel to it, making it appealing to it's audience, like in all indents, particularly in this one, they show of the logo, but in this they repeat spelling it out twice and shouting it out twice, showing that they put real emphasis in getting the style of the logo out more it's audience to understand and enjoy.                        

Ident: Sky sports
The Sky Sports News Ident, carries out the well known conventions that an Ident is mean to show, this is because straight away before anything they introduce the music but the first thing on screen is the logo, this is also the last part of the ident on screen, to start and end with Sky Sport News, they have done this purposely because the logo is the most important part of the ident, this is because it emphasises what the identity of the channel is and what they show. This ident also includes video clips from the types of sports they show, this portrays to the audience that they appeal to all sports fans in their audience because they talk about all sports in detail, also proving they are a channel, they, this is because the voice over says you an access it anywhere..

Ident: ITV

This Ident for ITV shows off the logo big and bold throughout, to emphasise what the channel is, attracting the audience in. Unlike many indents, they have not used stop motion neither animation in this ident, they have you shot and filmed footage. The ident is done like this because they want to portray and family feel to their channel brand, making all feel welcome with their calm music and soft logo appearing on screen in big and bold letters. The footage shows a family together in a lake on a boat, spending time together, reinforcing the values of family that ITV want to portray and the audience they want to attract.

Ident: Channel

The ident for Channel 5 is kept very simple, again the most conventional and popular idea is for the logo to stand out, within this ident, it is all they have on screen aside one other. The 5 logo, is in the middle of the screen staring at you, in bold and white against the red of the lego. This shows the audience straight away who they are and what they are aiming at.
The lego is filmed so their is no animation or stop motion used here, however, they do not need to use it, this is because they send out the perfect message for channel 5 by using red lego being thrown down through the 5 ident. I believe that Channel 5 wanted to use this lego to say to their audience that they will never be the same and they will also change to suit their audience, in particularly they will always be thinking for new ideas to build their channel, which is the job that lego does, building. 

Ident: Gold

In this ident, they clearly portray to the audience that the channel is for comedy, so they are aiming for almost everyone, including families. They have a big emphasis on using the channel comedy as a way of drawing in the audience, this is because they use 'haha' written moving up on a ballon. 'Gold' appears big and bold standing out well at the end to show who they are to appeal to their audience and to reinforce their channels identity. They use the style of celebrations before the logo comes on, almost suggesting that this is the only channel worth watching to their audience.