Sunday 5 March 2017

Opportunities: Task 2A

Branding of Content:
This is a marketing opportunity for channels to advertise a programme on their channel before it is broadcasted, this is done because it is a way to make the viewers aware of what is coming up soon, or next, almost done to give the audience a taste or a flavour of the programme that the TV channel is advertising, such as the ident below, which is the BBC 1 ident, when it is advertising Eastenders. The ident is a clip, showing characters and events that will be happening and occurring throughout the upcoming episode, making the audience look forward to the episode and this will make them watch it, however, it is manly done as a marketing technique in order to portray and to advertise the most popular programme on the channel.

Creation of co-operate identity:
This is important as the ident will show the aims of the channel to the audience, this will make it clear to their audience and viewers as to what there channel is about and what their image is for the audience to understand and possibly connect with. The BBC 1 ident from 1955 uses the same logo within it as it does now, using the circles as a symbol of the world, this shows to the audience that they are all together and even though the BBC is a British channel, they are symbolising that the world are welcome and everyone is together within the BBC.

Creation of tone:
The creation of tone is the feel of the ident to the audience, so the audience get an idea for what the channel is saying to them and how they feel about the channel. The ident they create can feel nostalgic for the audience, such as the channel 4 ident, they make the audience feel a sense of nostalgia because that was the first ident that was create in 1982 for channel 4.

Appealing to target audience:
This is how to appeal to the audience, meaning that the ident may focus or specialise on a specific topic, such as the BBC 1 re-brand, this shows within the ident the dancers, are older, meaning that the ident is specifically targeted at the older audience, almost so they show brand loyalty, as they have been loyal to the channel and have watched BBC 1 most of their lives, the BBC 1 ident is almost giving something back to the audience, this appeals to them because of the logo also as it says 1ness, meaning togetherness, appealing to the audience because BBC in this ident are saying that we are all 1 and al together.

Encouragement of brand loyalty:
Encouraging brand loyalty is important for channels as it keeps their usually consumers are viewers loyal to the channel, a channel such as the BBC will create brand loyalty in their ident of the hippos, as they continuously use the circles as part of their brand identity, it keeps the audience loyal to watch it, making them feel safe and happy with the BBC, as the circles represent the world and a symbol of togetherness.


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