Friday 16 October 2015

Comparing single camera with multi camera productions

Single Camera vs Multi Camera

Single Camera and Multi Camera Productions: Single camera productions are usually done for films, whereas a TV show, such as the Jeremy Kyle show, is shot on multiple cameras. A multi Camera Production will always be used mainly for live shows with an audience.

The Jeremy Kyle show is shot on multi cameras because it is a talk show, it must be captured through different shot types such as close ups and mid shots, it also must be shot from other angles, so there will be different camera set ups around the focus point. If this was shot with a single camera, then it would not be able to capture all of the right footage, by using multi camera, it ensures that one camera can focus on the close ups of the guests and the host, other can focus on the long shots, master shots and many others.

A TV show like Doctor Who, would be shot on a single camera, even though it is a TV show.

This would be used with a single camera as it would be cheaper to make for the writers, it will also be done because in a show like Doctor Who, as it is a single drama and an anti realist show, they will shoot with a single camera so they can portray the full landscapes to the audience so they will get a better feel for the show and will become more interested in it. It is also done to capture all of the expressions on the characters faces, this is done for the audience to begin to feel more emotional attachment towards them, for this, they will use close ups and extreme close ups much more often than a multi camera production would.

Chat Shows (talks shows)
Like Jeremy Kyle, this would be a multi camera production, this is for many reasons, as it is a live show, they will only have one shot at getting it 100% correct, although, it is easier to cover a mistake up more than it would be for another live performance, such as a football match or a Glastonbury performance.they will use multi camera to make sure they capture all of the guests and the star, there will also be a camera being used to capture the live audience, to show there expressions, there will, like Jeremy Kyle, also be cameras specifically used for capturing close ups and extreme close ups, so the viewers at home do not get bored and so they will see more, also a camera to get the full shot of the studio with the audience, panning over to the guests and host, this is done for effect, usually at the start, to introduce the show to the viewers in an entertaining way.

Live Performances

This will also be multi camera, as it is live, there will only be one shot at performing and capturing it correctly, this would also be the same for a football game, they would not be able to redo anything, with a live performance, you will also have different camera set ups all over the place, for instance, there will be one for a master shot, it would generally be placed on a crane or something high, this is to capture the full stage and fans for the people at home to feel the excitement, allowing the viewers elsewhere to also see it better, there will also be other cameras near the fans, also done for the viewers at home to feel as though they are actually there, there will also be close ups and mid shots of the performers on the stage, to show the audience at home, again making them feel part of it and also allowing them a better view of the performers even though they are much further away.

Utopia - TV Thriller

This would be shot with a single camera, this is to once again allow the audience to feel something for the characters shown, whether it will be good or bad, depending on the character, single camera will be used to capture the individual shots, such as close ups and extreme close ups of the characters faces, to ensure the audience feel interested and mysterious about the character and their personalities.

Come Fly With Me - Comedy

A TV Programme such as come fly with me will use single camera production, this is because the show is filmed like a documentary and many of the shots are taken as interviews for the audience to believe that it is set in an airport. Single camera is used to fully portray to the viewers the expressions of the characters, to make them all believable.

Advantages of Single Camera: There are many advantages when using single camera in a production, most films use single camera techniques, this is because it can be cheaper to do so. By doing this it allows the crew to capture footage several times, allowing them to gain shots that they may not have intended to use in the first place. By using single camera, it allows the viewers to be able to capture all of the individual shots and angles used in the show, there will be more of these shots because the makers will be able to focus on single characters at a time, setting up in a different place for any shot that is based on a different angle, or of a different person, whereas different shots of the same person, such as mid shots, close ups, extreme close ups and long shots can all be shot in the same position, the camera does not need to move.
It also allows the crew to use a variety of shots, this is because by making it a single camera production, it ensures that the crew will end up getting many different shots more than once so they can get the best shot possible, with a single camera production, the crew that will be needed will be much smaller, for instance, there will usually only be one professional cameraman to film, when on location with a smaller crew, there are less things to be concerned with, as you only need one cameraman at a time, other people can be allowed top focus entirely on locations and especially continuity, focusing on continuity is extremely important as it allows the story to flow correctly in the right order, linking clearly for the audience to understand.
By shooting with a single camera, you can also focus in order of the most important shots to do first, such as the master the shot, there are many advantages on beginning with a master shot, these are, because it establishes to the audience where the characters are, the master shot shows everyone in the scene with the whole background, quite like an establishing shot. It also has to be done from a long shot or wide angle, to show the audience who and what is in the scene. As it is a single camera production, it will allow the crew to film it not in any specific order, they do not have to shoot vier the script or storyboard, although it is best to start with the master shot to get the full view for the audience so they understand where the characters are and who is at the location. You are also able to focus especially on the characters emotions, helping gain the audience members emotion towards that character.

Advantages of Multi Camera: There are many advantages of filming with multi cameras in a production, this is because it allows them to capture all of the shots together, allowing the viewers to enjoy it more, by doing this, there will be cameras set up in different areas, each there to capture a shot of a specific meaning to the audience, it will generally be used during live performances, such as a football match and it will allow the audience to see what is going from the players perspectives, as well as the manager, allowing the audience to see there facial expressions from long shots to close ups, also having the master shot, like an establishing shot to capture the stadium, fans and player all at once, showing the viewers the full picture top make them feel as though they are there in the stadium.

Disadvantages of using Single camera in productions: It will take much more planning for the writers, the script and the storyboard will have to be written before hand, even though they do not have to be shot in that order, a full story must be established before any filming begins.
It will also take much longer to complete, this is because obviously there i only one camera being used, making all of the shots longer to shoot. It also means that you will be left with many more outtakes, this is because there will be many mistakes made and the camera will keep picking them up, so this will come back to take a longer time during pre production when the editor is editing, you can also end up breaking the 180 degree rule, this can easily be done by not shooting a different camera shot from the same angle as the previous shot, this breaks continuity laws and the 180 degree rule, because it is not understandable for the audience.

Disadvantages of Multi Camera: With multi camera productions they are extremely expensive to make, this is because the are multiple cameras used so the cost for all of the camera crew will amount up. The costs for all of the lighting equipment will also be expensive.

The purposes of using multi cameras is to get the shots all from different perspectives all at the same time whereas with single camera, the purpose is to focus on each character carefully, showing their expressions to the audience to help gain the audiences emotions.

Our Single Camera Production

When we were filming our production, we did it with a single camera, this was so we captured all of the correct angles and shots for our audience to understand what was happening, such as close ups on the pills to easily suggest to the audience that the character has overdosed, a close up was used here to grab the audiences attention by ensuring that they gain emotional attachment towards the character before really knowing them.

We found out many disadvantages of filming with the single camera also, this is because we realised that during the editing, we had to search through many outtakes and mistakes to ensure we had the right footage. This however allowed us to discover other footage that we originally did not intend to include, allowing us to make the story better by using some of these shots.

1 comment:

  1. Merit/D
    Make sure you identify that Dr Who is a Sci-Fi drama
