Wednesday 14 October 2015

Using SCT in our webisode

We broke the 180 degree rule during two scenes that linked with each other. This was because two scenes were shot from different angles that were meant to show the same position. The character was shown at two different positions, not allowing a clear jump from one shot to another.

This made the continuity of the scene not flow and made it difficult to understand for the audience to following.

During the beginning scene, we used a tilt shot and a point of view shot when showing the house, this was done to show to the audience a vertical angle of the house, to create a sense of mystery because nobody knows who is in there or what is happening at this time, it is also a point of view shot because we see the camera move as though it was a persons moment.

This is also done to create mystery for the viewers because it may suggest that there is someone outside of the house looking in, linking to the thriller conventions of showing dramatic effect.

This is a close up
The close up was used here to create a dramatic effect for the audience, this also creates mystery, as the viewers do not not what has happened, the close up is done here also to emphasis the events that have occurred, to portray to the audience that the character has taken an overdose, this is clear for the viewers and done for the audience to feel and emotion towards the character already.

The Pan

A pan is used to show all of the objects and subjects within a room, in this scene, we can see that the pan is used portray all of the objects on the floor within the room, suggesting that there has been trouble here, this is also done for dramatic effect, as it makes the audience ask questions as to what has gone on.

Point of View

This shot is done from a Point of View perspective, to show to the audience the events that are taking place from the characters perspective. Creating mystery for the audience as they do not know who it is or why it is happening.

Many of the shots that were taken on the exterior setting were during the dark evening, to help the audience understand there connections with each other and also, as it is a thriller and it must have thriller conventions, it creates a sense of suspense and terror for the audience because it is dark. By using low key lighting in these scenes, it allowed a good contrast between them and the light scenes, allowing them to link correctly.

As we were using one camera, we had to set up certain shots individually, this helped make the webisode more entertaining for the viewers as it enabled us to focus of the scene and to try and make the audience feel tense throughout them. It took more time to shoot each scene as there was only one camera, although this allowed us to gain further footage that we did not intend to keep, allowing us more footage and more shots to use. If this was done with multiple cameras, the shots would not have taken as much time to shoot, this is because one camera would focus on certain shots, such as close ups, whereas others would focus on other shots, allowing the cameras to capture all of the footage they need.

To create a sense of realism for the audience during the webisode, we used the Point Of View shot o show the events from the characters perspective. We also used the pan along the room to create mystery for the audience, by asking them the question as to what had happened, creating a dramatic effect and therefore allowing the audience to feel involved with the story and the characters.

We had a long sequence of shots to put together during the edit, this was so we could build all of the close up, mid shots and other shots in other scenes around the main shots that were taken, to establish where the scene was, such as the master shot. This allowed the audience to understand where they were.

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