Wednesday 21 October 2015

Formats and Narratives

There are three different types of formats, these are a Series, Serial and a Single Drama.

Series - This follows the lives of all the characters throughout every episode, however, with a series there will be a new story every episode. The stories will change while the characters will stay. An example of this would be the TV show Friends, as it follows the life of the main characters, but each episode counts as an individual by not linking.

Serial - A Serial is a show that will have an ongoing story throughout many episodes, the story can begin and can last sometimes over ten episodes. A serial will also follow the same characters throughout each episodes, but unlike a series, the tasks facing a character last a longer period of time in a serial, unlike a series, where the story will always conclude within the same episode it starts. An example of a Serial would be Breaking Bad, this is because it follows the main characters throughout each episode, but the main stories continue through many episodes.

Single Drama - An example of this could be transformers 4, this is because it concludes within the same film. Meaning that the story ends at the end of the film. A single drama also is usually only broadcasted once and can also sometimes be based on real life events.


Non Linear - This is a narrative structure that is used to show that a story does not run in a straight line, non linear means that there will be flashbacks and flash forwards used to make it more interesting for the audience and to keep them entertained. Fight Club would be an example for a non linear narrative, this is because it bounces around from place to place, not always linking and the audience do not know what will happen or what is happening until the pieces are fitted together at the end. As there are flashbacks used.

Linear - This is a narrative structure that is used in a straight line, there are no flashbacks and the story will run in its correct order from the start until it concludes. An example of a linear story is the film up, this is because the story is told in one long ordered line.

Realist - This is where a story is realistic for the audience, films that would be realist would be films that are based on true events, such as a war film, whereas a film such as Alien, is not realist as the audience know that it can never happen.

Anti Realist - It is not based on real lifer situations, the audience know it is not real, however are still drawn in to the story.

Single Stranded and Multi Stranded - A story that follows one character, getting the story from their perspective, whereas multi stranded will follow the point of views of multiple characters whilst staying within the same story.

Closed and Open Narratives - A closed Narrative will conclude at the end whereas an open narrative may leave it open and not finish at the end. A closed narrative can be a soap opera, such as Coronation Street, as the story will continue for a long period of time, this makes it exciting for the audience as they are looking forward to the next episode.

1 comment:

  1. Merit/D
    " A closed narrative can be a soap opera, " - you mean open
    Discuss which are mainstream/typical narratives and which are less common or alternative narratives
    explain why some directors want to use an open ended or closed ended
