Thursday 28 January 2016

Final Proposal

My idea for the horror sort film focuses on one character, it starts as the character is in a deserted woodland burying a body, once he walks away from the buried corpse, he attempts to go home, he is followed by the very same person who he had just killed and buried.  There will be a hook at the beginning of the film, this will be the character burying the body, this will hook the audience straight away because they will be interested in finding what is going on, using this hook, it also grips he audience as it throws them straight in to the deep end of the film, with no back story. For the short horror film, I was influenced by watching the thriller film Goodfellas, where there is crime everywhere, also within this film, there is a particular scene that grabs my attention in to making my short film, as there is a scene where the characters bury someone else in the woods, the horror film I was influenced by is called Bury, this film just by the title and the events that take place during the film gave me ideas and enthusiasm towards making my short horror film. These two films helped me think of my own idea, as I looked at thriller and horror films before, by combining the two meets the expectations of the two different audiences.

My film will be distributed by putting it on to YouTube, I will put it on YouTube so viewers can watch it, it will gain popularity through the target audience, but also the secondary audience. It will also allow the film to gain comments underneath the video for the viewers, this will allow me to understand the audience even more and so that I can see that the audience enjoy it. If the film is popular and well liked on YouTube, I will try to put it on to Netflix, I will do this by the popularity of the film on Youtube, if the film is successful on youtube, it has a greater chance of being put on Netflix.

The Unique Selling Point of mu short film is that it is based off of a news story that I heard, saying Gang leader thrive, thanks to higher organised crime rates. This gave me the idea of the film, mixing the crime world with the supernatural horror genre world, my USP is also mixing the two genre together, (thriller and horror) to create a horror film, however with connections from thriller films, such as Goodfellas, (one of my inspirations)

Short film festivals:
There are many short film festivals that are available for my short film, such as the London short film festival, the Raindance film festival and the Edinborough film festival, these film festivals are good for upcoming film makers as they help promote your work, showing your name and promoting films to gain popularity among audiences, they are good because they help promote your short films.

Certification and Ratings:
As the film would be given an age certificate, by the BBFC, I would rate this film a 15, this is because of the violent aspects of the film,  I would rate it a 15 also because the audience will be able to see the violence occur, meaning that smaller children or younger audience may be influenced by the violence, there will also be fake blood as a prop which could be seen as quite graphic, my film will also have no dialogue, which will add to the tension and creepy silence of the film. It would also be a 15 because there is no drug use, strong violence or any sexual content, meaning that it is not severe enough to be an 18, it is 15 also to protect the younger audiences below 15, which are U, PG, 12, 12A. So they are are not influenced by any activity in the film.

There are many trends between the films I got my inspiration for for this short film, such as Goodfellas, trends to this film will be other crime film such as Casino and The Godfather. Whereas Bury, the horror film will trend to other horror films such as saw and the conjuring. These trends mean that they will gain a wider audience, as I got my inspiration from these to films, it means that the audience for my film will be interested in it as it trends with the other films.

Primary Research and Secondary Research:
As my film is of the  Horror genre, I started by carrying out primary research of my target audience, this started with me looking at the comments that they wrote down for the list f horror short films that I watched, I looked at comments to get a better understanding of what horror audiences like to see within a horror film and what they want more and maybe less o, so I can make my film popular with the target audience. I also asked people face to face, to find out there personal views on what they enjoy and expect in a horror film, this helped me gain further knowledge in to how it would make my idea better and more popular with the chosen audience and even the secondary audience. For my secondary research, I used specific books to gain knowledge

I also viewed the short horror film list. This was done so I could gain knowledge on the amount of views and likes each video got, to find out what was popular among audiences.

For some of my primary research, I looked at the short horror film Coffer, I used this by looking at the comments that were left by other viewers.

I looked at the comments here to see what the audience are interested in when they see horror films, I also needed to see the age of the audience that watched this and other short horror films that I looked at, by searching for there ages, I looked at their YouTube profiles to see what age range I am looking for.

I looked at the profiles to help understand the type of person enjoys the film that I am interested in making.

  I also asked used social media platforms to gain further primary research:

This was written by a 17 year old, this showed me the age of the audience and what they liked during a horror film.

This was the second research that I did on social media, this person was 18

This is the amount of viewer the short horror film Coffer got:

The amount of likes from this short horror film is 6,042, meaning that there is an audience for this type of short film.

When I looked at Goodfellas, I found that there is also an audience for this film. There are many likes showing that their is a market for the crime world films, combining the thriller crime film and horror film show that there will be people that will watch and enjoy it.

Target Audience:
When I was using primary audience and secondary audience research, I decided that the target audience for the short film will be 18-25 year olds mainly, including University students and film festival attenders. Film festivals are source of attraction to my audience, as they only allow people over the age 18 to enter, people who go to film festivals, such as the Rain dance film festival and the BFI are film lovers and are there to watch new things.

When collecting my audience research, I found that it was quite helpful, this is because i found out who to aim the film at (the target audience) and I also found out what the audience like to see when watching a horror film, I found out that they enjoy jump scares, so making the audience live on the edge through the film. I also found that the audience like a dark twist, showing vulnerable characters to give the film a more realistic approach and feel for the audience.

Usually there would be a budget to the film, however, in this case, we do not have to pay for editing sweets, or equipment, such as cameras and tripods, this is because it is all provided for us by the college, however, I will have to pay for other specific things, such as lunch, transport (only on Trains and Tubes) we travel free on buses, I will also have to include prices for props in the budget also, this is because I will have to pay for certain things, such as fake blood and costumes, this is because it must be searched fro and then ordered or bought. Food that will be bought will probably cost between £15-£30. Traveling on trains will cost roughly £10 together and props (fake blood and clothing) fake blood costs £6.99. All together the film will probably cost about £35.

As this is a college production, there is no need for funding sources, everything I make will belong to the college, this is because I will shoot the film with their camera.  However, if I was getting funded for this short film, I would require the uses of funding source Kickstarter. This is because Kickstarter help fund projects by young upcoming film makers.






Spelling has been corrected:


  1. Incomplete P WT M

    For P you must cover all heading
    Short film festivals and why
    Size of the audience in numbers
    Purposes of short fail festival or YouTube

    For M2 "present a structured and detailed media production report which conveys information and explains conclusions with clarity"
    This lacks explaining conclusions in order to effectively encourage investors - you are not selling this as research is missing about how it will guarantee an audience

  2. Unit 2.2 proposal
    "You have presented a structured film proposal which conveys information and explains conclusions with clarity and some detailed exemplification based on research. the use of language is good, going beyond mere description and providing some exemplification and makes attempts to justify the idea in order to persuade the reader"

    To secure the M
    Explain what location are necessary
    Write an introduction summarising the title, genre and why this will sell (IE Audience share, trends etc)

  3. Unit 2.3 review and correct written work
    M3 work will have been reviewed and revised using both a grammar and spell checker as well as being individually proof-read. As a result, spelling errors will have been corrected and only minor errors will remain. Work will occasionally contain punctuation and grammatical errors where learners have failed to adequately review their work.
