Monday 4 January 2016

Task 1 - Ideas

The Mood Board:








Mood Board - The story will be about a man who has finished burying a body in the woods, when leaving the woods, he is followed by the same body he just buried and the man ends up being killed.

Task 2 - Audience research

Among the short horror playlist, the smiling man was the short film that had the most views.

The short film is aimed at teenagers between the ages 15 - 19, this is because teenagers as a primary audience enjoy and understand the aspects of the genre which is thriller, this is because it keeps them interested and entertained throughout the film. The research here from the short film means that I will use many scenes of suspense and tension throughout, this is because some of my audience research showed that the audience between 16 and 19 generally prefer watching thriller films rather than horror films and want suspense during the film because it is a main convention of thriller films.

I used further audience research by looking at the comments on the page underneath the short film, I looked at the comments so I would understand the type of audience that I will use for my short film.

These are some of the comments that i used to help with my research, I used these comments because they had a clear view of what the audience like for thriller films, so I can use the correct methods in my short thriller film and also so the audience get what they want.

I found out from the specific target audience that during thriller films they enjoy tension and suspense, this is because it is one of the main characteristics and conventions of the thriller genre, keeping the audience members on the toes, involving them in the story making them feel connected to the characters within it.

Task 3 - Requirements 

To start, I will have to have a budget for the short film, the budget will consist of money that will go towards: Camera equipment, this will include the type of camera that will be used for the production, other costs will involve a tripod, the editing time which will be done in an editing sweet and also transport, by going from each location using public transport, however, as we are at college, we do not have to spend any money on equipment needed as it is provided for us, this is also the same with the editing time, as there is an editing room, public transport costs may be needed, as I will have to travel to the location where a scene is set.

Props: For this short film, I will need to use props, to make the film look more realistic so the audience can follow the story whilst believing in it. For my short film, the one prop I will need is a spade, I will also need to use fake blood, tis would be done by using ketchup.

The location fees to go and take still photos and video footage in the media industry will cost £1800.  
However with locations, you would have an extremely limited amount of time, this is because you are on a tight schedule and working to a deadline and the money to the camera crew will go to waste because there would not have been enough shots taken, this would result in being sacked by the director. For my short film, I will be using a street, church and woods, the scene will be short as it is one minute long.

Schedules and Deadlines: You can organize the deadlines, for instance when you want to film, write the script, and have lunch and by doing so, given the pace if you complete it before the deadline you may have enough time left over to give it the final look and to help improve it.

Availability of Equipment: As we are in college we can easily book the equipment for free, whereas if we where doing this in the media industry, there would be prices for equipment.

Facilities: The facilities that will be used for production and post production. For the production, it is the set up that will be needed for the facilities, such as setting up the cameras ready for use, This also includes the lighting, For instance, this means that the lighting needs to be balanced for the audience to be able to watch it clearly. The lighting being done properly is also important because there are no shadows that are wanted within the scene.

For post production, equipment for using editing software will be needed, this is to make it appeal to the audience and to give it a dramatic effect. The editing software that will be used will be Final Cut Pro, this will allow us to put all of the footage that has been taken and to put it in to sequence.


  1. " ages 15 - 19, this is because teenagers as a primary audience enjoy and understand the aspects of the genre which is thriller, this is because it keeps them interested and entertained throughout the film. The research here from the short film means that I will use many scenes of suspense and tension throughout, this is because some of my audience research showed that the audience between 16 and 19" - no it didn't, and no it isn't.

    WT P
    Minimal evidence of audience research sources, however annotation is Merit level explaination

    P1: when conducting research for assignments and reports learners will be able to select and review information from different sources such as books, the internet and appropriate materials that will aid them in their work. Information will be selected from these sources with some attention to its suitability and relevance to the work being undertaken.

    Post the preproduction report separately it is a separate task

    P1: learners will simply list the requirements for a specified production, giving brief indications of where or how the specified requirements will be sourced. This list may contain one or two minor omissions but will be substantially complete. It will not contain any explanation of why the requirements are as they are and there will be only minimal consideration of codes of practice or regulatory issues

  2. P1 preproduction report - Some thoughtful consideration will be given to relevant codes of practice and regulatory issues. Or How to sources needed for M
